All you need to know about… Cavalier King Charles Spaniel!

Brown dog sitting down

Regal in name and cute as a button, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel could be the perfect little lap dog to introduce to your family. They do have a reputation for having zoomies every now and again, but their affectionate nature makes them a perfect fit for any home.


Weight range

10-18 lbs.



Typical lifespan

9-14 Years


Medium, soft, silky


Red; red and white; black and tan; tricolor

Grooming needs


Exercise needs

40 - 60 minutes daily


Large, round, dark brown eyes, set well apart

Social/attention needs


Bred for

Flushing small birds, companion


£1500 - £3000

Personality traits

Born companions, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are easy going, lovable and playful dogs that do especially well with children and other canine friends.

Ideal for first-time owners, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are versatile and adaptable; they’re just as happy enjoying cuddles as they are playing games or going for walks. Timid at first, socialising with this breed is essential to develop their confidence and personality.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels at home

The Cavalier King Charles spaniel is easy to keep. Ideal as a family dog or as a companion for "empty nesters," the Cavalier loves to cuddle and has been described as the perfect lap dog. Although these dogs prefer a noisy greeting, Cavaliers generally are not protective.

Regular grooming is key to keeping the Cavalier's coat lustrous. Little more than a thorough weekly brushing is required, in addition to routine bathing and professional trimming as desired. Light shedding, which occurs in the spring and fall, generally arouses little notice.

Top care tips

  • Picky pups, who would prefer treats to dog food they can be prone to weight issues.
  • This is breed is prone to separation anxiety, so will not suit a household who is out a lot.
  • Physical as well as mental stimulation is needed to keep you dog out of mischief!


The Cavalier King Charles spaniel is the descendant of a small toy spaniel depicted in many 16th, 17th and 18th Century paintings of northern Europe. This dog was originally bred to warm laps in drafty castles and on chilly carriage rides. The Cavalier's other job was to attract fleas and thereby spare their masters the flea-transmitted bubonic plague.

During Tudor times, toy spaniels were common as ladies' pets and, under the Stuarts, they were given the royal title of King Charles spaniel. King Charles II was seldom seen without two or three Cavaliers at his heels, and he wrote a decree — still in effect today — that his namesake spaniel be accepted in any public place, including the Houses of Parliament, which were generally off-limits to animals.