Read our blogs and current news from around the world relating to cats and dogs!

Cat resting in a soft carrier

Hard or soft cat carrier: Which is best for your cat in the UK?

25th October, 2023

The journey of owning a cat isn't all about cuddles and purrs. There are practical considerations to make, one of which is choosing the right carrier for your feline friend. The choice between a hard or soft cat carrier, which is best for your cat in the UK, is a crucial decision that impacts the comfort and safety of your pet during travels. This comprehensive guide will shed light on the key differences, pros and cons of each type, helping you make an informed choice suitable for your cat's unique needs....

toy poodle on hind legs

What is a forever puppy breed? A comprehensive guide

24th October, 2023

As dog lovers, we often wish our puppies could remain young forever. Their adorable antics, boundless energy, and heart-melting expressions are things we cherish and wish to hold onto. ...

brown dog placing head on window sill

How to help a depressed dog: A comprehensive guide

19th October, 2023

Being a pet owner comes with its own set of challenges and responsibilities, one of which is understanding and addressing the emotional well-being of your animal companion. It may come as a surprise to some, but dogs, much like humans, can suffer from depression. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on how to help a depressed dog, including tips on identifying the signs, understanding the causes, and exploring various remedies. ...

brown kitten with big eyes

Taming the wild: A comprehensive guide on how to tame a feral kitten

17th October, 2023

Bringing a feral kitten into your home can be a rewarding experience. These wild-born kittens can transform into loving and loyal companions with the right approach. Let's explore how to tame a feral kitten in a step-by-step process that ensures the welfare of the animal and their seamless integration into your home....

ginger cat laying next to a pile of pumpkins

Can cats eat pumpkin?

11th October, 2023

Will your cat get ill if it eats pumpkin? Get to know what benefits this healthy squash holds for your feline and which parts to feed them. ...

Pet Cancer

Pet Cancer Awareness Month

11th October, 2023

Cancer is an illness that touches many pet parents’ lives. Half of us will develop cancer during our lifetime and around 1000 new cases are diagnosed every day in human medicine....

Diabetes and Obesity

Balancing Health: Tackling Pet Diabetes and Obesity

11th October, 2023

Diabetes is an illness which is familiar to many pet parents. Over 6 million people in the UK have diabetes, that’s around 1 in 16 or 6% of the population. ...

tan dog smiling and sticking their tongue out

How many teeth do dogs have? A comprehensive canine dental guide

9th October, 2023

Ensuring the dental health of your beloved canine companion is a vital part of maintaining their overall wellbeing. Understanding the different types and functions of your dog's teeth can help you better care for them, and prevent potential dental issues. In this article, we explore how many teeth do dogs have, the functions of these teeth, and how to take care of them....

Cat yawning whilst resting on a sofa.

Decoding feline behaviour: Why do cats yawn when you pet them?

4th October, 2023

Cats are mysterious creatures, possessing a complex array of behaviours that are often perplexing to their human companions. One such behaviour is yawning, especially when you pet them. ...