Read our blogs and current news from around the world relating to cats and dogs!
How do I know if my cat is pregnant?
20th August, 2019
Whether you’re a new parent to your fur baby or you’ve had your kitty cat for a few years, you’ll know just how precious they are. One thing is for sure though, if you have a female cat and she’s yet to be spayed it’s important to be able to tell if she has become pregnant or not....
Want to know which dog breeds shed the most?
19th August, 2019
Before becoming a dog owner, it’s important to know what you can expect from your chosen breed – not only in terms of temperament and needs but also how much it’s going to shed....
How do I train my kitten to use the litter tray?
7th August, 2019
When you welcome a new kitten into your home, you have hours of fun ahead of you. But in those first few days it’s also important to master some of the basic household rules – like where your kitty should go to toilet....
Why does my dog lick me so much?
6th August, 2019
You arrive home after a long day at work, and your dog greets you with a big, wet sloppy kiss. But is it really a sign of affection?...
Taking Care of your Pet in the Heat
1st August, 2019
Dogs and cats are at risk of heat stroke in the summer months. Cats do like to sunbathe but tend to know when they have had enough heat and will move to a more shaded spot. Dogs are sometimes not quite so smart and may need to be moved from the sun to prevent overheating....
Why did dogs become domesticated and when did this begin?
29th July, 2019
As our oldest animal companions, we’re still fascinated to find out how, why and when exactly dogs became our best friends. It’s hard to imagine how a Chihuahua or Yorkshire Terrier ended up curled at our feet when, at one point, they were mighty and fearsome predators....
How long does it take for cats and dogs to get used to each other?
29th July, 2019
Some people like dogs, while others can’t live without their cats. But what if you love both? If you want to welcome both canine and feline companions into your home at the same time, there are some important things to keep in mind....
What type of tricks can I train my dog to do?
24th July, 2019
As the RSCPA tells us, good training can improve a pup’s quality of life. It can also keep you both active, beat boredom and give you greater control over your pet’s safety when you’re out and about on walkies....
Is it true that dogs are more affectionate than cats?
24th July, 2019
The debate still ensues over which animals are more affectionate – canines or felines? Dogs and cats have been living with humans for thousands of years, and yet still, a whole host of factors can affect the way that they behave with us....