What dog breed is good for me?

dog on a leash

Best dogs for anxiety and emotional support

24th February, 2022

Did you know that when we stroke or cuddle up with a dog, that physical closeness improves our mood, lowers our blood pressure, and keeps our stress and anxiety in check?...

Dog with cherry eye

Which dog breeds are most at risk of 'cherry eye'?

16th February, 2022

Certain breeds of dog, including English Bulldogs and popular crossbreeds, are up to 34 times more likely than other breeds to suffer from ‘cherry eye’, new research shows....

fluffy golden dog sat on grass

What are the cheapest dog breeds to insure?

10th February, 2022

Something else to think about, of course, is dog insurance. Some breeds will, quite simply, be cheaper to insure than others. Here are the least expensive dog breeds to insure....

dog looking at the sky

Dog breeds with the best sense of smell

19th January, 2022

Dogs are known and celebrated for their acute sense of smell. Indeed, it's one of the particular talents that led to man domesticating dogs' ancestors, the wolves, for help with hunting and tracking prey....

Dog having his ear cleaned

Study reveals dog breeds most affected by ear infections

23rd November, 2021

One in every 14 dogs in the UK suffers from ear infection each year, according to new research from the Royal Veterinary College (RVC). Knowing more about the condition can help you spot the signs and ensure your dog gets prompt treatment when they need it. Ear infections (clinically known as ‘otitis externa’) occur when the lining of a dog’s ear becomes inflamed and thickened in either one......

Which dog breeds are popular with the royal family?

8th October, 2021

In this article, we’ll look at some dogs favoured by the royal family, and find out a little bit more about their temperaments so you can decide if the breeds might be right for you, too....

Labradors and Cockapoos are this year's top breeds

Labradors and Cockapoos are this year's top breeds

11th August, 2021

Labradors often top the charts and this year is no exception, with the friendly and energetic breed the most popular among new owners in the UK in 2021....

dog running

Top 17 bravest dogs in history

27th January, 2021

Throughout our long history together our two species have become dependent on each other for many things. While we have provided food and warmth, dogs have shown unquestionable loyalty, unconditional love and ever-lasting friendship. Here we honour their remarkable journeys and incredible feats of endurance, strength and derring-do....

Dog waiting at home

Best dog breeds to buy if you work all day

26th January, 2021

There’s nothing better than returning from a hard day at work, only to be greeted by your four-legged friend. That wagging tail. That unconditional love. There’s nothing better! That said, some dog breeds do much better than others when it comes to being left alone while you’re toiling away at the office all day....